AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
The AVATRADE team is complicit in its partners’ thefts because AVATRADE does not reveal them to the police.
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AvaTrade’s agent’s manage positions AVATRADE’S agents take my money to illegal trading platforms. So AVATRADE ARE scarms, theft and fraud.
AVATRADE DOES NOT DO THE SUITABILITY TEST The CNMV fines CaixaBank 2 million euros for not carrying out a suitability test on its clients who entered the world of trading.
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AVATRADE’S AGENTS MANAGE TRADING POSITIONS: In order to increase your balance, AVATRADE offers bonuses (which is totally forbidden by law), however, they will take it all away from you afterwards.
Here we can see the death position that Melody opened for me «Saying we are going to make a lot of money» now I understand when a client loses his money it is divided between AVATRADE and its partners. Here we can see the calls I received on the day of the position opening which corresponds to the date and time of the position that the AVATRADE broker opened for me and brought my account to ruin.
I thought Melody was a professional trader and as I didn’t know she was a professional thief I listened to her and didn’t close the position that the AVATRADE advisor opened for me. Now I understand a little more about the subject and when a stock is going downhill the best thing to do is to close it before it ruins your account Melody achieved her goal and left my AVATRADE account with a balance of 4.96 euros.

AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AVATRADE IS A FRONT FOR ILLEGAL SCAMS AND FRAUD TRADING PLATFORMS: Here we see how I contact the official AVATRADE chat and I say: «Good afternoon, could you tell Melody or Marco to call me because I have won the lottery and I want advice on how to make an important investment in the stock market».
And they reply «OK I will send you a request to contact you». Then AVATRADE lies when they say they can’t identify the people who stole money from me. They call me right away. First Marisa says that they are partners of AVATRADE, that Melody no longer works for them, but if we listen to the conversation until the end (it is in full in the post I have written in avatrade/afectados.es) we discover that George is the boss of both Melody and Marisa.
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
This is a screenshot of the official chat I have had with Trade99 and when they listen to the above recording they tell me «You already spoke with some of our manager and explained to you what happened, yet you still angry», then they are telling me that George, partner of AVATRADE, is one of the managers of Trade99.
Since they made a mistake, they never replied to me in the Trade99 chat until a careless employee took the trap. Despite all the evidence I have shown before, AVATRADE still denies its relationship with Trade99 and that my AVATRADE account was managed by Melody. And they tell me that if I want to continue claiming I should go to the Virgin Islands, which is a tax paradise.
Since AVATRADE does not want to identify its member who has stolen from me, I hold the entire board of AVATRADE responsible for all of this, and I promise them that I will not stop until they pay me back what was stolen by their partners. I believe that the day is getting closer and closer when much more evidence will come to light and then it will be the end of AVATRADE..
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
TRUSTPILOT IS NOT IMPARTIAL: This comment is first hidden from me until they check what I say in avatrade/afectados.es, verify the evidence and then my comment comes out telling me that «MY OPINION COUNTS». However, if I want to visit my comment now, I get the message «YOUR OPINION IS ON ITS WAY». And if I hit the refresh button on my browser it says «THIS MAY TAKE A FEW MINUTES. WE WILL SEND YOU AN EMAIL WHEN IT IS ONLINE». ALL THIS MAKES ME THINK THAT TRUSTPILOT IS NOT IMPARTIAL, I will continue to provide evidence to TRUSTPILOT and if they deny the obvious. I will communicate in all media that Trustpilot is sold to AvaTrade.
AVATRADE: scams, theft and fraud
AVATRADE. AVATRADE DOES NOT FOLLOW THE LAW: It does not make the suitable test It offers bonuses for increasing your capital AvaTrade’ agentes manage trading positions The AVATRDE team is complicit in its partners’ thefts Because it does no t reveal them to the police. AVATRADE is a front for illegal scams and fraud trading polatforms. AVATRADE EITHER IDENTIFY YOUR THIEVING PARTNERS OR PAY UP, OR YOU WILL ALL GO TO PRISON.
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